Unvergessliche Erlebnisse in Kutazama, im Amboseli & der Mara

Safari Kutazama - Oase im Busch

Thank you Peter for this unforgettable adventure. We had a very great week and not only because we saw the Big Five: It was a pleasure to meet you and we hope we will see you again as our tour guide. Unfortunately we didn’t bring anything from our country but take this tip as a very thank you for a wonderful trip.
Lovely greetings and hope to see you next year (September 2018? 🙂 )
Nikki & Erik S. aus Mainz

Reisedauer: 19.01.- 27.01.2018
Gebuchte Safari: Individuelle Safari : EKA Hotel, Sentrim Elementaita Lodge, Sentrim Mara Camp, Sentrim Amboseli Camp, Kilaguni Serena Safari Lodge, Kutazama Lodge

Danke für tollen Kenia Urlaub und Kenia Safari mit Keniaspezialist Reisekontor Schmidt

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